Now that the “Greatest World Cup in Living History”, as quoted by my son-in-law, is a distant memory and even the tennis is done and dusted; your excuses for not getting those DIY jobs done have officially run out
New flooring can be an inexpensive way to give your home an instant lift. So no need to dust off the credit card and shell out for new furniture or don the overalls; give Biesty Carpets Altrincham a call today and we can knock one job off your to-do list with our 3 simple steps for new flooring:
1. Phone Biesty Carpets 0161 962 3771 to arrange your home visit (any time/any day)
2. Select your flooring from our huge range & we supply a no-obligation quote (with no hidden extras)
3. Within a few days your brand new flooring is fitted by our expert fitters (and we tidy up after ourselves!)
Give us a call today and test out our best price guarantee
0161 962 3771 or email